I'm getting really excited. Want to know why? I have made travel plans for 5 weeks in a row.
My roommate Lauren, from Stout, is coming to visit me from March 14th to the 20th. We already have a plan to go by. She arrives in Edinburgh on Saturday morning. Plans that day for me are to take a bus to Edinburgh and meet her at the airport. From there, we are going to walk around Edinburgh for a little bit and then take a bus to St. Andrews and stay overnight at the hostel there. Sunday morning we are going to take a bus back to Glasgow and hop on a train to Belfast, Ireland. We are going to stick around in Ireland doing who knows what until early Wednesday when we will take the train back to Glasgow. We will be spending St. Patrick's Day in Ireland. Can you say excitement? We are going to spend Wednesday and most of Thursday around Glasgow because I still need to attend my classes, which she should be able to join me. I think either Thursday night we may go to The Primary (pub) so she can meet more of my friends in the International Student Society and go to Edinburgh early in the morning either that or we will go back to Edinburgh Thursday night and stay at hostel there so we don't have to get up as early for her flight back.
So Lauren leaves for home on Friday morning and Bailey will be arriving in Glasgow on Saturday afternoon. :) We haven't really talked too much about our plans, I just know for sure that we will be going to London while she is here. She will be here until Monday, March 30th. 9 whole days with my Bailey Jo.
When Bailey leaves I will be starting my three week Spring Break by departing to Berlin, Germany to meet my friend Lindsay. Our friend, Molly, is going to meet us there later in the week and we will all travel to Budapest, Hungary on April 5th together. April 7th or 8th, Molly and I are going to Bratislava, Slovakia and then we will meet Lindsay in Vienna, Austria and spend a few days there. After that, we are going to travel to Venice and Florence, Italy for the remainder of our vacation. Molly is going to fly to Dublin to visit her family while they are visiting there and Lindsay and I will return to Glasgow on the 16th/17th of April.
So, that's 8 countries in 5 weeks. Scotland, Ireland, England, Germany, Hungary, Slovakia, Austria, and Italy. Can you see why I'm so excited now? How can life get any better than this. I'm so fortunate for everyone and everything in my life especially right now. If I could go back in time, I would not change a thing. I love where I am in life. Everything is just perfect.
I love and miss you all. And don't worry, I will have my camera and I'll be taking plenty of pictures. :)
Friday, February 20, 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009
"Heritage and stuff."
Hello friends!
Well it has been over a week since my last blog so I have things that I need to catch you all up on. I had weekend full of success. Friday night my flatmates, Alex and Gordon and I had a party in our flat. The first one this flat has had all school year.

Yup, the party was a success. Happy to say that we will no longer be known as the "Geek Flat" of Lomond House. haha. As soon as I heard about that I was all for having a party. I wasn't around for the whole thing, but it was good to actually talk to these people while they were still sober. I had my first taste of Absinthe that night. My impression: tastes like black licorice and it's disgusting. Although, I was told by Emil that it wasn't prepared correctly. But, that doesn't mean I'm going to try it again. It made a bad first impression on me. lol. Also, someone fixed our fridge that night. YAY! There was a huge chunk of ice in the back and one of the drawers would not shut and we resorted to using tape to keep it closed because no one could get the iceberg out. Classy.
Valentine's Day was also a success. I was able to spend time with Luke through Skype. I love the invention of webcams. :D I had a delivery of a beautiful flower arrangement on Saturday morning. The delivery man said, "Someone must like you." I laughed and replied, "Just a little." My flowers came in this ridiculously huge box that is taller than the height of the back of my chair. :P A little excess if you ask me. Oh well. I am a very lucky and extremely happy girl.

We then went to the beach of the North Sea. I got to put my hand in the water, get a couple of shells and even wrote my name in the sand. :) After that we took a walk up to the castle, it was 4 pounds to get in and tour it, but it was in ruins enough that we were able to see just about everything that we needed to through the gates. Charlie and I went back down to the sea in search of seaglass. He explained to me what to look for and told me, "It'll be your lucky day if you find a blue one." I looked down, picked up a piece of seaglass, smiled and said, "You mean this color?" The look in his eyes was priceless as he shouted, "KEEP IT!" :D My first piece of seaglass was a rare one. :)
We went to the Cathedral ruins and this is where my title comes in, Charlie said "I love little towns like this because of the heritage and... stuff." We all laughed. We stopped and had ice cream at Cafe Janetta to tide our stomachs over while we continued to explore the city. We made our way through the streets and visited some of the St. Andrews' University. As much as I love and adore this town, the main building of Glasgow University is much more impressive. We had an early dinner/late lunch at a little Italian resturant where I had a 4 meat pizza that was delicious. Charlie and Amy left to return to Glasgow after that. Annie, Liane, and I stopped at the movie theater and bought tickets to see The Curious Case of Benjamin Button at 7:40pm. In the meantime we went back to the hostel and chilled out on the couch in the living room for until 7pm. I loved this living room. There was a huge bay window, yellow walls, and white crown mouldings. The people there were extremely friendly and they were playing a trivia game and asked us if we wanted to join, but we were so exhausted that we all took a short nap before we left. One of the reasons why I am in love with St. Andrews is that everything is literally just right around the corner from you. You don't have to walk 30-45 minutes to go do something. Anyways, my impression of the movie: terrible. It was a really awkward love story. I'm not going to spoil anyone on the story, you'll just have to see it yourself. Although, I'm not really even sure if it's even worth your money to see it.
We crashed when we got back to the hostel. The next morning Liane and I had planned on going to see the sunrise over the North Sea. I woke up to a tap on my back from Liane... "Ashley, it's 8:30", I laughed. The sun rises here now at 7:30ish. Oh well... it was a crappy day and there wouldn't have been much of a sunrise anyways. :P We got ourselves ready and walked down to the next block to Tesco's and bought bagels and cream cheese and found a little local coffee shop where we ate and got drinks, I had a hot chocolate. Afterwards, we went around and looked at some of the shops, then went to the bus station to take us to Leuchers to get on the train back to Glasgow. Since it was still early by the time we got back, we stayed down on Sauchiehall (pronounced Sockey-hall) Street and went shopping at Primark. CHEAP CLOTHES! YAY! We also used the restroom at the McDonald's there and boy is that the fanciest McDonald's I have ever been in. I'm going to have to go back there to take pictures of the inside. It was a little extreme.
That ends my trip. When I got back, I took a shower and talked to Sabrina and also Gordon for a little while. Gordon is in the midst of cleaning up the kitchen right now. He said, "This is so gross." I replied, "Yep, that it is." lol. At least it's being cleaned! :D
I just want to say that I got an email from my mom telling me that my Great-Grandpa Bernie passed away yesterday morning. He lived a long and happy life. In the words of my mom, "He just turned 97. Long life with no regrets! Just think what a grand party there is in Heaven today! Whoop! Whoop!" RIP Papa Bernie, you will be missed. But, I know in my heart that you are enjoying being with Grandma Inez again. :D I will forever remember you playing the spoons with such excitement and also the set you made for me when I was a little girl. You were always happy and always smiling, just enjoying everything about life.
As soon as the others post pictures of our trip I'll post the links on here so you can take a look at them. Until then, I hope you are all doing well.
Well it has been over a week since my last blog so I have things that I need to catch you all up on. I had weekend full of success. Friday night my flatmates, Alex and Gordon and I had a party in our flat. The first one this flat has had all school year.
Some pictures of the aftermath:
Close up of our lovely broom sculpture: The sign reads "**** Off".
Yup, the party was a success. Happy to say that we will no longer be known as the "Geek Flat" of Lomond House. haha. As soon as I heard about that I was all for having a party. I wasn't around for the whole thing, but it was good to actually talk to these people while they were still sober. I had my first taste of Absinthe that night. My impression: tastes like black licorice and it's disgusting. Although, I was told by Emil that it wasn't prepared correctly. But, that doesn't mean I'm going to try it again. It made a bad first impression on me. lol. Also, someone fixed our fridge that night. YAY! There was a huge chunk of ice in the back and one of the drawers would not shut and we resorted to using tape to keep it closed because no one could get the iceberg out. Classy.
Valentine's Day was also a success. I was able to spend time with Luke through Skype. I love the invention of webcams. :D I had a delivery of a beautiful flower arrangement on Saturday morning. The delivery man said, "Someone must like you." I laughed and replied, "Just a little." My flowers came in this ridiculously huge box that is taller than the height of the back of my chair. :P A little excess if you ask me. Oh well. I am a very lucky and extremely happy girl.
Here is a picture of my lovely flowers:
Jealous? You should be.
We have a thing called "Reading Week" this week at the Uni, so my Celtic Civilsations class is cancelled. Meaning, I don't have class at all today or tomorrow. Annie, Liane, Charlie, Amy, and I made a trip to St. Andrews by train on Sunday morning. As I was leaving my flat I realized that I forgot to charge my camera, it was dead. :( So, I don't have any pictures of my trip, but everyone else got plenty of pictures and Liane let me steal her camera when there was something that I wanted to take a picture of. :D Anyways, we arrived in St. Andrews around noon. We stopped by at the Tourist Hostel to make a reservation and drop off our stuff (Liane, Annie, and I.. Charlie and Amy didn't stay overnight with us). The room that we stayed in at the hostel had 4 bunk beds and a couch. So, we shared our room with 5 other lovely people, of which I think 3 of them had been staying there for a while. We headed straight over to the golf course and took our pictures on the famous bridge of the very first golf course in the world. Unfortunately they were not open to play, but this way we actually got to walk on the fairways.We then went to the beach of the North Sea. I got to put my hand in the water, get a couple of shells and even wrote my name in the sand. :) After that we took a walk up to the castle, it was 4 pounds to get in and tour it, but it was in ruins enough that we were able to see just about everything that we needed to through the gates. Charlie and I went back down to the sea in search of seaglass. He explained to me what to look for and told me, "It'll be your lucky day if you find a blue one." I looked down, picked up a piece of seaglass, smiled and said, "You mean this color?" The look in his eyes was priceless as he shouted, "KEEP IT!" :D My first piece of seaglass was a rare one. :)
We went to the Cathedral ruins and this is where my title comes in, Charlie said "I love little towns like this because of the heritage and... stuff." We all laughed. We stopped and had ice cream at Cafe Janetta to tide our stomachs over while we continued to explore the city. We made our way through the streets and visited some of the St. Andrews' University. As much as I love and adore this town, the main building of Glasgow University is much more impressive. We had an early dinner/late lunch at a little Italian resturant where I had a 4 meat pizza that was delicious. Charlie and Amy left to return to Glasgow after that. Annie, Liane, and I stopped at the movie theater and bought tickets to see The Curious Case of Benjamin Button at 7:40pm. In the meantime we went back to the hostel and chilled out on the couch in the living room for until 7pm. I loved this living room. There was a huge bay window, yellow walls, and white crown mouldings. The people there were extremely friendly and they were playing a trivia game and asked us if we wanted to join, but we were so exhausted that we all took a short nap before we left. One of the reasons why I am in love with St. Andrews is that everything is literally just right around the corner from you. You don't have to walk 30-45 minutes to go do something. Anyways, my impression of the movie: terrible. It was a really awkward love story. I'm not going to spoil anyone on the story, you'll just have to see it yourself. Although, I'm not really even sure if it's even worth your money to see it.
We crashed when we got back to the hostel. The next morning Liane and I had planned on going to see the sunrise over the North Sea. I woke up to a tap on my back from Liane... "Ashley, it's 8:30", I laughed. The sun rises here now at 7:30ish. Oh well... it was a crappy day and there wouldn't have been much of a sunrise anyways. :P We got ourselves ready and walked down to the next block to Tesco's and bought bagels and cream cheese and found a little local coffee shop where we ate and got drinks, I had a hot chocolate. Afterwards, we went around and looked at some of the shops, then went to the bus station to take us to Leuchers to get on the train back to Glasgow. Since it was still early by the time we got back, we stayed down on Sauchiehall (pronounced Sockey-hall) Street and went shopping at Primark. CHEAP CLOTHES! YAY! We also used the restroom at the McDonald's there and boy is that the fanciest McDonald's I have ever been in. I'm going to have to go back there to take pictures of the inside. It was a little extreme.
That ends my trip. When I got back, I took a shower and talked to Sabrina and also Gordon for a little while. Gordon is in the midst of cleaning up the kitchen right now. He said, "This is so gross." I replied, "Yep, that it is." lol. At least it's being cleaned! :D
I just want to say that I got an email from my mom telling me that my Great-Grandpa Bernie passed away yesterday morning. He lived a long and happy life. In the words of my mom, "He just turned 97. Long life with no regrets! Just think what a grand party there is in Heaven today! Whoop! Whoop!" RIP Papa Bernie, you will be missed. But, I know in my heart that you are enjoying being with Grandma Inez again. :D I will forever remember you playing the spoons with such excitement and also the set you made for me when I was a little girl. You were always happy and always smiling, just enjoying everything about life.
As soon as the others post pictures of our trip I'll post the links on here so you can take a look at them. Until then, I hope you are all doing well.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Edinburgh with Carrie
I went to Edinburgh with Carrie just for a short day trip. It was SOOO cold, yet still very beautiful. Wasn't what we were expecting. Reminded us a lot of Glasgow except there were more snowy hills and there was water. :) Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland, but we heard that it was much smaller than Glasgow, so we both had different thoughts of what it was going to be like there. Although it reminded us of Glasgow, Edinburgh has a huge population of tourists, that was kind of weird to see so many of them. We did the whole touristy-like thing today, but we plan on going back to do our own thing next time. I took some pictures while I was there and uploaded them to Facebook of course. Here is the link, enjoy:
Thursday, February 5, 2009
A Traditional Scottish Meal
Yup, you probably guessed it. I had my very first real Scottish meal tonight. I came home and was boiling up some broccoli and Gordon asked me if I have ever eaten Haggis before. He and the people from the flat next door were cooking some up and they let me have some. My impressions of this exquisite cuisine? Mushy. I don't mind the taste as much, just the texture grosses me out. I could stand to eat a few bites but after that, I had to throw it out. Gordon laughed, saying that you have to have an acquired taste to like it. I have been warned before that I wouldn't like it, but I had to try it for myself. And I'm glad I did. I'm definitely not afraid to try new things.
I have a traveling buddy for my spring break now! Woo Hoo! Her name is Lindsay and she is from the state of New York. She was one of the first people that I met here during orientation. I have my Celtic tutorial with her. So, I am in the midst of making plans to travel with her for 3 weeks. :) We are thinking Greece for a part of it, and possibly Denmark? Not sure yet. We just decided this today. I am sure whatever we do will be wonderful. I am really looking forward to it. :D
This Saturday Carrie, Charlie and I (possibly Janene) are going to Edinburgh for the day. A lot of the group that I made friends with are going to the highlands this weekend with the International Student Society to stay overnight in a castle. They sold out of tickets really fast for this trip, so I don't get to go. So the three of us made it a point to get out and do something this weekend. Charlie has gone to Edinburgh already and he plans on showing us the cafe where JK Rowling began writing the Harry Potter Series. Jealous much? :P Charlie and I also talked about going on the Harry Potter train ride, but that doesn't start until mid-May. :)
In Celtic today we were given an assignment for next Thursday. We are going to be doing some role playing. We had the choice to be a trader or a monk. I chose to be a monk. I even get a name. :) I am Diarmait, the steward of the monastery. I am in charge of looking after the guests. Should be fun. :P Not everyone got a part where they got to have a name. I feel special. Yay! Yesterday in my rendering class at the GSA, we got to draw our model using pencil. I think this is by far my favorite class. I love drawing and I am learning so much and have already improved. Yesterday Debra used the words, "Excellent", "You learn so quickly", "It's so accurate", and "You have mastered this technique". That feels really good to hear that from a teacher that instructs some of the best art students in the UK. :) You can say that I was pretty proud of myself after that. I was able to develop two of my pictures yesterday in photography class. I think they turned out really well. I tried taking pictures of the pictures, but that doesn't work so well. Doesn't do the actual picture any justice.
Sabrina answered our flat door tonight and a girl gave her a free mix cd from a club and the cd is actually pretty good. Good club dancing music that's for sure. I'm enjoying myself listening to this. There are 29 songs that are about 1 1/2 minutes long each. :) Hooray for random people that hand out music.
Oh shoot, one more thing before I get going. There was a guy with a microphone that came up to Annie and I on Byre's Road today asking us what we think about YouTube. I was scared out of my mind. He didn't have a camera or anything. It was weird. I was speechless. He was right up in my face, I kept trying to back away but he just kept getting closer. I don't think I could ever do what he does. Those people are fricken psycho.
Well, I guess that's all that I really have time to write about now. I have an essay for Celtic due on Tuesday and I need to get at it.
I have a traveling buddy for my spring break now! Woo Hoo! Her name is Lindsay and she is from the state of New York. She was one of the first people that I met here during orientation. I have my Celtic tutorial with her. So, I am in the midst of making plans to travel with her for 3 weeks. :) We are thinking Greece for a part of it, and possibly Denmark? Not sure yet. We just decided this today. I am sure whatever we do will be wonderful. I am really looking forward to it. :D
This Saturday Carrie, Charlie and I (possibly Janene) are going to Edinburgh for the day. A lot of the group that I made friends with are going to the highlands this weekend with the International Student Society to stay overnight in a castle. They sold out of tickets really fast for this trip, so I don't get to go. So the three of us made it a point to get out and do something this weekend. Charlie has gone to Edinburgh already and he plans on showing us the cafe where JK Rowling began writing the Harry Potter Series. Jealous much? :P Charlie and I also talked about going on the Harry Potter train ride, but that doesn't start until mid-May. :)
In Celtic today we were given an assignment for next Thursday. We are going to be doing some role playing. We had the choice to be a trader or a monk. I chose to be a monk. I even get a name. :) I am Diarmait, the steward of the monastery. I am in charge of looking after the guests. Should be fun. :P Not everyone got a part where they got to have a name. I feel special. Yay! Yesterday in my rendering class at the GSA, we got to draw our model using pencil. I think this is by far my favorite class. I love drawing and I am learning so much and have already improved. Yesterday Debra used the words, "Excellent", "You learn so quickly", "It's so accurate", and "You have mastered this technique". That feels really good to hear that from a teacher that instructs some of the best art students in the UK. :) You can say that I was pretty proud of myself after that. I was able to develop two of my pictures yesterday in photography class. I think they turned out really well. I tried taking pictures of the pictures, but that doesn't work so well. Doesn't do the actual picture any justice.
Sabrina answered our flat door tonight and a girl gave her a free mix cd from a club and the cd is actually pretty good. Good club dancing music that's for sure. I'm enjoying myself listening to this. There are 29 songs that are about 1 1/2 minutes long each. :) Hooray for random people that hand out music.
Oh shoot, one more thing before I get going. There was a guy with a microphone that came up to Annie and I on Byre's Road today asking us what we think about YouTube. I was scared out of my mind. He didn't have a camera or anything. It was weird. I was speechless. He was right up in my face, I kept trying to back away but he just kept getting closer. I don't think I could ever do what he does. Those people are fricken psycho.
Well, I guess that's all that I really have time to write about now. I have an essay for Celtic due on Tuesday and I need to get at it.
Monday, February 2, 2009
What I have learned thus far.
Well it has now been 1 month already since I started my adventure. Let me tell you, it definitely does not feel like it has been that long already. Time is flying. As much as I do love being at home in Minnesota/Wisconsin, I am having the time of my life. I'm trying to make this time go slow so I can enjoy and savor everything that I do and the friends that I make because I don't know when or even if I ever will be back here again and I know for a fact that I will be back in the states and see everyone there again.
Last night I experienced what I thought Scotland would be like. The pub music scene. My flatmate Alex invited me to go with her and a few of her friends, one of which I've already met. I didn't know this beforehand, but every Sunday this pub has live music where anyone can bring an instrument and take turns playing tunes. There were guitars, banjos, flutes, saxophones, harmonicas, ukuleles, violin, and even a kazoo. The pub was crowded, but everyone was having so much singing along and keeping the beat. One of the banjo players introduced himself to me. Michael McIntyre, is a crazy and friendly old man. He has a long gray beard and long eyebrow hairs which are pointed. Chatted with him for a while and we ran into him later at one of the chip shops that we stopped at. He and his friend gave Alex, Claire, and I a ride back to MSSV. :P
With that said, here is a little list of some of the things that I have learned:
1. They do not use the letter “z”, pronounced “zed”. Celtic Civilisations, realised, and so forth...
2. People not only drive on the left side, but they also walk on the left side.
3. A Quid = A Buck
4. Pedestrians do not have the right of way. Clause, another exchange student, was hit by a car his first week here and broke his arm.
5. Walking for a total of 2 hours or more on a daily basis is not uncommon. Good for the gluts. :P
6. Robby Burns, the poet, is an icon. They are very proud of him.
7. It’s Football not Soccer. Yes, I knew this before I came here, but I was reprimanded when I accidentally said soccer.
8. Traditional Scottish men do not wear anything under their kilts.
9. Everything tastes sweeter here.
10. Dressing up to go out at night does not mean a pair of nice jeans and a nice top. It means doing your hair and make-up for hours, putting on a dress with nylons and 5-inch pumps.
11. Skype and web cams are my heroes.
12. There are no regular street signs. You have to look for plaques on the buildings on the road to figure out where you are.
13. Taxi drivers are really nice here. They like to tell stories and jokes that half the time you don’t understand but you end up laughing anyway.
14. People from here are annoyed when Americans come here and say to them “Hey! I’m Irish too!” (or whatever your heritage may be) or “I want to go to Ireland because I’m Irish.” (I didn't say this to anyone, but they complain about it)
15. Studying abroad in Scotland hurts your face from smiling too much.
16. Studying abroad in Scotland hurts your face from the Gael force winds when it rains and/or snows.
17. People from the UK think it's cute when Americans don't swear and say things like "shoot" or "holy crap" instead.
18. Australians hate snow and cold. They hate it so much that they develop a phobia. (well, maybe that's just one of the Aussies that I know.)
19. People from New Castle, England call themselves Geordies. After King George.
20. I have learned to be more relaxed with everything. I'm never rushing and constantly checking my watch when I go to my classes or am meeting someone somewhere. (well, I mean I still do it a little, but I don't flip out as much when I'm running late.) My attitude is, I'll get there eventually.
Well, those are the things that I can think of at the top of my head. As you can see, I still have lots more to learn. Luckily for me, I still have 110 days left. I just can't believe that I have been here for a month already...
Lots of Love,
Last night I experienced what I thought Scotland would be like. The pub music scene. My flatmate Alex invited me to go with her and a few of her friends, one of which I've already met. I didn't know this beforehand, but every Sunday this pub has live music where anyone can bring an instrument and take turns playing tunes. There were guitars, banjos, flutes, saxophones, harmonicas, ukuleles, violin, and even a kazoo. The pub was crowded, but everyone was having so much singing along and keeping the beat. One of the banjo players introduced himself to me. Michael McIntyre, is a crazy and friendly old man. He has a long gray beard and long eyebrow hairs which are pointed. Chatted with him for a while and we ran into him later at one of the chip shops that we stopped at. He and his friend gave Alex, Claire, and I a ride back to MSSV. :P
With that said, here is a little list of some of the things that I have learned:
1. They do not use the letter “z”, pronounced “zed”. Celtic Civilisations, realised, and so forth...
2. People not only drive on the left side, but they also walk on the left side.
3. A Quid = A Buck
4. Pedestrians do not have the right of way. Clause, another exchange student, was hit by a car his first week here and broke his arm.
5. Walking for a total of 2 hours or more on a daily basis is not uncommon. Good for the gluts. :P
6. Robby Burns, the poet, is an icon. They are very proud of him.
7. It’s Football not Soccer. Yes, I knew this before I came here, but I was reprimanded when I accidentally said soccer.
8. Traditional Scottish men do not wear anything under their kilts.
9. Everything tastes sweeter here.
10. Dressing up to go out at night does not mean a pair of nice jeans and a nice top. It means doing your hair and make-up for hours, putting on a dress with nylons and 5-inch pumps.
11. Skype and web cams are my heroes.
12. There are no regular street signs. You have to look for plaques on the buildings on the road to figure out where you are.
13. Taxi drivers are really nice here. They like to tell stories and jokes that half the time you don’t understand but you end up laughing anyway.
14. People from here are annoyed when Americans come here and say to them “Hey! I’m Irish too!” (or whatever your heritage may be) or “I want to go to Ireland because I’m Irish.” (I didn't say this to anyone, but they complain about it)
15. Studying abroad in Scotland hurts your face from smiling too much.
16. Studying abroad in Scotland hurts your face from the Gael force winds when it rains and/or snows.
17. People from the UK think it's cute when Americans don't swear and say things like "shoot" or "holy crap" instead.
18. Australians hate snow and cold. They hate it so much that they develop a phobia. (well, maybe that's just one of the Aussies that I know.)
19. People from New Castle, England call themselves Geordies. After King George.
20. I have learned to be more relaxed with everything. I'm never rushing and constantly checking my watch when I go to my classes or am meeting someone somewhere. (well, I mean I still do it a little, but I don't flip out as much when I'm running late.) My attitude is, I'll get there eventually.
Well, those are the things that I can think of at the top of my head. As you can see, I still have lots more to learn. Luckily for me, I still have 110 days left. I just can't believe that I have been here for a month already...
Lots of Love,
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